Meet Our Staff

Victoria began training dogs at the young age of 18. She graduated with her B.A in Psychology with a concentration in animal behavior. Victoria’s resume was built over the last nine years from hands on internships, training courses, seminars, and learning 1:1 with some of the best trainers in the industry. Her experience in dog training ranges from puppy manners, to off-leash obedience, behavior modification, and a wide range of tricks. Victoria has dedicated her career to helping handlers have the best relationship with their dog.

– Victoria, Head Trainer.

Gisell began working and training with dogs in early 2020. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a B.A. in Communications. But her journey into dog training began with her dog Winston, who in his first year of life brought her to a pivotal turning point: learn how to work him through his behavioral struggles and help him reach his full potential or find someone else who could. She reached out to Victoria for help and in the process of Winston’s transformation, fell in love with the ins and outs of balanced dog training. She dove head first into our mission to give every dog a chance. Through a mix of internships, certifications, courses and hands-on experience, Gisell made the exciting switch from dog mom to full time trainer and owner. She has dedicated her career henceforth to nurturing an unwavering bond between pup and owner.

“When I transitioned from client to head trainer, I did so with the goal of fostering the same sense of family, guidance and support with each of you that I felt when I was at my wits end on my journey with Winston. You can count on me to be in your corner celebrating the highs and helping you navigate the lows— before, during and even after your training journey.”