Meet Maverick, the face and inspiration behind Maverick’s K9.

Victoria adopted Maverick at 9 weeks old, when she was only a few weeks into her dog training internship. She soon found out that Maverick was partially blind, and only had about 45-55% of his vision. Despite all of the challenges, Victoria made a commitment to give Maverick the best quality of life possible. With the guidance of her amazing mentors and teachers, she took on the adventure that would eventually become the inspiration behind her very own company. Within the first two years, Maverick was highly skilled in advanced and off leash obedience, over 25 tricks, and certified in scent detection for fire arms and narcotics. Maverick spent the next 3 1/2 years working alongside Victoria as her demo and working dog. He would travel for lessons, help demonstrate training for clients, and compete in obedience competitions. Maverick is now 8 years old and officially retired. He spends his days hanging with the dogs of MK9, chasing his ball outside, and going on adventures with his mom. His success story is what inspired our tagline- that every dog deserves a chance.