What We Offer


Puppy manners: 
contact us for pricing

6 1:1 private lessons (either in home or in facility) 2 socialization classes with other puppies and dogs! 
2 free follow ups 

What’s focused on: Name recognition, potty training, crate training, confidence building and neutralization, come, sit, and down!

Basic obedience day school: 
contact us for pricing

15 day trains
6 1:1 private lessons (either in home or in facility) 2 free follow ups

What’s focused onRecall, sit, down, place command for up to 20-30 minutes, potty training, crate training, confidence building and neutralization, loose leash walking, leave it, off and drop it command! 
Advanced obedience privates: 
contact us for pricing

10 1:1 private lessons (either in home or in facility) 2 free follow ups 
ALL training equipment + 2 year warranty

What’s focused on: Reliable recall, sit (with distance and duration), down (with distance and duration), place command for up to 3 hours + in high distractions, potty training, crate training, confidence building and neutralization, loose leash walking, formal heel, off leash heel, off leash recall, leave it, off and drop it command! 
Advanced obedience day school: 
contact us for pricing

20 day school days 
6 1:1 private lessons
ALL training equipment + 2 year warranty 
2 free follow ups 
What’s focused on: Reliable recall, sit (with distance and duration), down (with distance and duration), place command for up to 3 hours + in high distractions, potty training, crate training, confidence building and neutralization, loose leash walking, formal heel, off leash heel, off leash recall, leave it, off and drop it command!